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Infidelity Explained

Let's start out by considering the Laws of Nature.

When it rains one gets wet.  Large animals eat smaller animals.
If you don't drink water and stay hydrated you will die.
People do cheat on each other.

Did you catch the last one?

Human beings are not monogamous by nature.  We don't usually mate for life exclusively with the first partner we choose.

We may have many mates throughout our lifetime.

And we don't just have sex to reproduce.

There are some animals that do.  Human beings do not.

But when it comes to infidelity, people think that the laws of nature do not really apply to them.

They think that no one would ever cheat on them because they are too good looking, too good in bed, too wealthy, too good at this or that and so on and so on.

"He would never do that to me, he really loves me"

"She would never do that, she has it too good"

The number one biggest most notorious reason why affairs go undetected is because people refuse to believe that it can happen to them.

Well let me tell you for sure that the laws of nature apply
to everyone -- including you.

I don't care who you are - a bum - a celebrity - a father - a mother - a nobody. 

Anyone and I mean anyone, can cheat on you – YES you.

If you don't come to grips with this fact, you will miss every little thing your lover does that screams "I'm cheating on you".

Let me tell you a short story...

An old friend was at my door one day to cry on my shoulder concerning the troubles he was having with his wife.

She was doing all of these strange things, he saw her hugging another man in a parking lot, she wouldn't sleep in the same bed with him anymore and so on.

I mean any 6 year old could have seen she was cheating on her husband.

It was that obvious.

But he refused to believe she could possibly be cheating.


Well here were his answers, in order:

1.  He doesn’t cheat on her and he pays for everything, so why would she cheat on him?

2.  When he asked her if she was cheating she said no.

3.  He's smarter than her so why would she want to leave him.

He is a perfect example of someone who doesn't think the laws of nature apply to them.

He couldn't believe that someone would even consider cheating on him.  He couldn't "get over himself".

And the truth of the matter is that almost everyone thinks like this at one time or another.

If you think the laws of nature don’t apply to you and that your spouse would never, ever cheat on you then you are going to have miserable time of it.

Want to know what ended up happening to my old friend?

He's currently going through a bitter divorce that he doesn't want.  She left him and was the one that filed.  And, what do you know, she also has a boyfriend that works at the same place she does!

And he still can't believe what's happening to him!

Does this sound like anyone you know?

Now let's recap the most important points for you to know:

1.  You must accept the cold hard facts that anyone can and will cheat on you.  It's human nature.  If you don't "get over yourself" and accept this, you're in for a lot of misery.

2.  Don't ever expect your spouse or lover to admit to you that they are having an affair.  If you're waiting for this to happen, it will be the longest wait of your life.

Would you like even more information on how to catch a cheating lover or, just to be sure they are not cheating at this time, then, check out the product reviews on this site.

---- End of article "Infidelity Explained" ----



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